Rooted & Rising Series: Rest & Reflection Sunday | Acknowledging Progress and Praying for Perseverance

Celebrating Growth, Embracing Rest, and Seeking Strength for the Journey

Welcome to Day 14 of the Rooted and Rising series! Today is Rest & Reflection Sunday—a time to pause, celebrate progress, and refocus on the journey ahead. Together, we’ll explore the importance of rest as spiritual renewal and reflect on the growth God has brought into our lives over the past 14 days.

Take time to reflect on these guiding questions:

  • What’s one thing you’ve learned about God or yourself?

  • How has your faith grown or been challenged during this journey?

  • What moments from the past 14 days stand out as impactful?

We’ll also join in prayer for perseverance:
Father God, thank You for bringing us through these 14 days of growth and discovery. We acknowledge the work You are doing in us and through us. Lord, as we rest today, help us to see the progress we’ve made and give us the strength to keep moving forward. Renew our minds, refresh our spirits, and guide our steps. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Whether you’re journaling, walking, or spending time in prayer, this episode encourages you to honor your progress, rest in God’s presence, and prepare for the week ahead.

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